Non crederai ai tuoi occhi quando vedrai chi ci ha raggiunto. Le donne più belle vogliono fare sesso dal vivo con te. Le ragazze, signore mature, calde donne nere. Ma anche:coppie arrapate e ragazzi single. Amano provocarti dietro la cam e non conoscono la vergogna. Vogliono parlare con voi, condividere le loro fantasie più indecenti, e poi mostrare come lo fanno con loro stessi. Dai raggiungile, è ciò che a loro piace di più.

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  • SessoDonna
  • OrigineAfricana
  • Preferenze sessualiBisex
  • LingueEN-FR-NL
  • Età21 (2004)
  • AspettoM
  • SegnoAriete
  • Tatuaggi
  • Piercing
  • Giocattoli sessuali
  • 1a1
  • HD
  • 3DNo


Hi, I'm Gia but I love being called GIGI. I can tell you a lot about myself, like I'm a happy and outgoing girl, sometimes a little distracted and I forget certain things, but I can assure you that you will always have a reason to laugh and have a great time with me. I try to learn a little about other languages ​​and cultures, so I would be very happy to hear about you and your daily routine. I like flirting, seduction and imagining how we can fill ourselves with pleasure

Mi eccita:

I like intelligent guys, good conversation, filtering when texting and maximum seduction

Non mi piace:

Please be nice, say hello, be courteous, get to know me a little and don't ask me to break the rules of the site


GTM-5 1 PM AT 8 PM

Foto di GiaMil

Video della GiaMil

Special blowjob (PAY_PER_VIEW)
I love to play with my pussy (PAY_PER_VIEW)
My body tight as my pussy (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Do you want me to behave like a whore? (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Rubbing my CLIT with my DOMI (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Feel every part of my body as I touch myself (PAY_PER_VIEW)
I love to play with my pussy (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Sexy Show Shower (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Sexy Gia (FREE)
My pussy dripping of the pleasureMy pussy dripping of the pleasure (PAY_PER_VIEW)
Wanna taste my tight body (PAY_PER_VIEW)


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